provides presentations at school assemblies and recently provided one at Freeman Elementary School in Aurora IL. Freeman was celebrating Fine Arts Week, and wanted to include music and instruments as part of this celebration. We worked with 2 groups of grades K-5 to listen to music, learn about instruments, and drum in a drum circle.
The music featured ethnic instruments such as the duduk, bloul, shvi, oud, tabla drums, doumbek, ashiko, sitar, and many small percussion instruments. Musical instruments demonstrated include:
djun-djun drum
doumbek drums
ashiko drum
tabla Indian drum set
conga drum
Tibetan gong and Chinese wind gong
chick shake eggs
ankle bells
hand cymbals
caxixi Brazilian percussion instrument
bull horn
cuica Brazilian friction drum
rain stick
bull roarer Australian instrument
temple blocks
Then the fun part: drumming. Since each group had about 150 children, it is not practical for everyone to play a drum. However, everyone can clap or pat on their laps, so the children use their "built in" instruments to participate in the drum circle. For groups which include all ages, we learn some basic drumming rhythms, work with volume changes, and have 2 groups play different rhythms at the same time.
We concluded the program with some thoughts toward world peace. The children briefly tried the instruments on their way out of the gym.
Fun was had by all at Freeman Elementary School, and we thank them for inviting us to share their Fine Arts Week celebration.
If the school assembly group consists of just older children, we use more complicated drumming rhythms for the drum circle portion and are able to give the children hands on use of the instruments.
Please consider for your next school assembly program in the Chicago IL area. We tailor the assembly presentation to your theme, whether it's a focus on a country like Africa, a multi cultural celebration, or a tribute to the fine arts.