Friday, February 15, 2008

Vantage Point Movie Music - Listen for Duduk World Wind Instrument

In the upcoming movie "Vantage Point", don't expend all your energy solving the puzzle. Be sure to listen to the music throughout the movie to see if you can hear world flutes such as the duduk.

In a recent conversation with Chris Bleth, professional woodwind player, he told me a story about duduk music working its way into the "Vantage Point" sound track. Chris was warming up with the duduk, even though it was not originally intended for use in the movie. Suddenly he heard "What's that sound - we've got to have it in the movie music!". And with that, plans were underway to include duduk music played by Chris Bleth in the "Vantage Point" movie music.

Chris does a variety of work in the Los Angeles area playing duduk for films (Chronicles of Narnia, Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, The Island), TV shows (Path to 9/11, Over There, Star Trek Enterprise), TV and radio commercials, video games, albums and live concerts.

In the picture on the right, Chris is playing beautiful duduk music with an ensemble in the Ararat Music booth at the NAMM 2008 show in Anaheim CA.